New Min16 Swag

Interested in joining our team?

Class of 2018/2019 Casting Call!

Minute Sixteen is currently hiring Photographic Assistants (affectionately known as "Minions") as well as Studio Models (affectionately known as "Guinea Pigs") for our Louisiana and Alaska Studios.

Assistants are involved in client photographic sessions and do everything from hold lights to direct poses. But most importantly, they must be able to help place the client at ease and help create a fun atmosphere during the shoot.

Studio Models can work either on a one-time basis or regularly and are used as stand-in models to help create and experiment with new/ unique ideas, or sometimes just to perfect a new lighting technique. But importantly, they also serve as Social Media Ambassadors to their peers. Preference will usually be given to those who bring unique skills for fun images, such as sports athletes and artists.

Both jobs pay $15/hr and offer very flexible schedules.

We strive to promote a creative, collaborative, and relaxed atmosphere within the team, mixed with a unique brand of humor.

Specific things we look for:

  • Reliability, ie: be where you need to be when you said you would
  • Commitment to quickly to respond to communications
  • Ability to contribute creatively to the team
  • High levels of positive energy, social skills, and a friendly vibe
  • Ability to learn the technical aspects of the job, such as setting up lights for example
  • Adequate physical fitness for on-location/ active sets which may involve hiking, kayaking, zip lining, etc... all while carefully carrying heavy and expensive  camera gear
  • A healthy, family friendly presence required by our inherently image conscious profession

Since we specialize in High School Senior Photos, priority will sometimes be given to high school aged assistants/ studio models who can help advertise through word of mouth to their friends.

For more info or to schedule an interview, contact us at [email protected] for an appointment. Be sure to specify your location as well (Juneau, New Orleans, etc).

Look forward to working with you!

Minute Sixteen is currently hiring a very limited number of Class of 2018/2019 Social Media Ambassadors (Senior Reps) for our Louisiana Studio to spread the word about our senior portrait services as peer-to-peer advertising.

We are currently looking for Class of 2018 members but possibly one or two very highly visible Class of 2019 members. Preference will usually be given to those who bring unique skills for fun images, such as sports athletes and artists.  Selections will also be limited per school, in order to reach out to as many different schools as possible.

If selected, Ambassadors receive $15/hr and a free one-time shoot in exchange for promoting Minute Sixteen on social media.

For more info or to schedule an interview, contact us at [email protected] for an appointment.

Look forward to working with you!